Gal Gadot in film, Wonder Woman
Itay Stern discusses Gal Gadot supporting Rotem Sela’s claim, an Israeli tv host, that Arabs are equal citizens of Israel. Gal Gadot, is an Israeli actress, model and played the role of Wonder Woman in the 2017 film, doesn't show her stance when it comes to political opinions but showed her position on Arab-Jewish equality. Sela’s view received violent and threatening responses, which result in many showing their support with a post on Instagram, which included celebrities Gal Gadot, Maya Dagan and Shlomit Malka. Within those following days by Sunday morning, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel responded to Sela’s post, in which he stated that Israel is not a state of all its citizen and that according to Nation State law that was passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people and only them. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu response resulted in many more individuals displaying their political stance and showing their agreement with Rotem Sela on the issue of equality in Israel.

The voices included in the article, give clues in the author's point of view. Mostly all the voices included supported the idea that Arabs are equal citizens in Israel. The reader can say that the author sides with this claim as well. Given that the article only presents Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposition on the matter shows that the author wants to counter it by including more than three individuals that support Arab-Jewish equality. The author's language in the article is respectful, especially leading up to the voices of those involved in the article. In the last paragraph of the article, the author included a tweet from Joint Listen chairman Ayman Odeh, in which he states that Arab individuals need to be full citizens. The ending paragraph restated the author's point of view that he also agrees with the presented data. The only photograph used in the article was a photo of Gal Gadot, it familiarized the reader with one of the voices, but it didn’t support the points made by the article. It would have been helpful also to include a photo of Rotem Sela, who is the one that the others were supporting and images of the Instagram and Twitter posts from those who also supported the issue being discussed.

The author presents a public political opinion; he is using actual quotes of individuals and is using them to get his point across. Most of the article is quotations of the individual’s views and statements. The author uses relevant people and authorities in his article. The celebrities, which opinions are quoted are Rotem Sela, Gal Gadot, Shlomit Malka and he includes a statement made by current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. The author did pay attention to the matter because he provided more than one comment that showed support to Rotem Sela statement that Arabs are equal citizens of Israel. As the reader, I read a lot of opinions showing support towards the issue but felt as though I was not receiving specific information regarding the Arab community. For readers, who may not know about the effect of Arab-Jewish inequality, it is critical to provide information on that matter. Mostly all the voices included in the article, except the statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, showed support to the presented data towards Arab-Jewish equality in Israel and were more subjective. The statement made by the current prime minister of Israel was the only one in disagreement to Rotem Sela’s opinion and leaned towards an objective fact that can either be proven false or true.
