In the article “What’s Happening in Gaza” by Khaled Abu Toameh discusses an anti-Hamas uprising or Fatah conspiracy taking place in the Gaza Strip. The Hamas is the governing authority of the Gaza Strip and has been since 2007. Fatah is a Palestinian nationalist political group. A protest assembled in the Gaza strip against the economic hardships. For Fatah leaders, this uprising was a dream come true because they believed that the Palestinians were revolting against the Hamas. The protestors were demanding solutions to high cost, taxes, and employment in the Gaza Strip. Hamas did not stop the demonstration because they thought the Palestinians would aim their anger towards the Palestinian Authority. However, Hamas discovered that the protestors were also revolting against the ruling authority in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, Hamas leadership instructed its security forces to take action and stop the protest before it turned into an intifada.

Further, sources in the Gaza Strip reported that hundreds of Palestinians who took part in the protest were detained by Hamas security. It was said that many Palestinians were wounded and hospitalized after being beaten by Hamas security officers and militiamen. Hamas effort to end the protest not only involved physically hurting the protestors but creating a Fatah-led conspiracy of a takeover in the Gaza Strip. More so, Hamas is now claiming that it’s the Fatah who is responsible for the horrible economic conditions in the Gaza Strip. The Fatah denied the conspiracy charges and insisted that these events are a real protest against Hamas oppression towards Palestinians. Therefore, Fatah wants the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to revolt against Hamas, while Hamas want the Palestinians to revolt against Fatah for their scheme against the Gaza Strip.

The author presents speculative data when stating that Hamas officials believed that the protestors would protest against Israel and Palestinian authorities for the economic crisis in the Gaza strip, but that was not the case. More so, towards the end of the article, the author presents predictive date, when it is stated that if protestor were to return to protest in the streets of the Gaza Strip, then the crisis between Hamas and Fatah will continue to intensify. As mentioned above, speculative data is present in this article, the author states that Hamas is hoping that the Palestinian will participate in the protest against Fatah’s role in the economic crisis in the Gaza Strip. The author sites both Hamas and Fatah officials. The voices that are included support both Hamas and Fatah’s side of the story. The author present enough details for the reader to understand the conflict between Hamas, Fatah, and the people.

As mentioned above, the data the author presents gives both sides of Hamas and Fatah. The author provides evidence on the drastic measure that Hamas took to end the protest that resulted in many to be wounded and hospitalized. In the article, the author mentions how Hamas is trying to portray the protest as part of a conspiracy by Fatah leaders. Whenever the author refers to the word conspiracy, it is always used in quotations. The quotations can indicate that the author doesn’t agree with what Hamas is doing. At the end of the article, the author ends with a thoughtful statement on what Hamas hopes the people do. The speculative data can serve as awareness to readers on what their plans are to make sure they succeed and are the ones who are being wronged.
